Meet The Team:

Jennifer Rangel: Executive Director

Jennifer’s parents arrived to Oak Cliff, located in Dallas, Texas, during the early 90’s from Mexico. Jennifer grew up in Oak Cliff and was shaped by both the inequities she observed in her neighborhood and her family’s economic hardships. This consequently fueled her passion for social justice, activism and service. Despite the odds, Jennifer was motivated to honor her parent’s sacrifices and decided to pursue a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Park and Tourism Science from Texas A&M University and a Master’s Degree in City & Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Immediately after graduate school she joined the Inclusive Communities Project, an affordable fair housing organization, where she served as the Planning & Community Outreach Director. Today Jennifer is the Executive Director at RAYO Planning.



Adair Aranda: board Co-Chair

Adair is passionate about community-led urban planning and has been a dedicated partner for RAYO since 2021. Adair is a graduate from the University of North Texas, where he received his Bachelor’s in City/Urban, community and Regional Planning. Adair is currently a Project Manager at Aranda Planning.



Catherine Rosas: board Co-Chair

Born and raised in Oak Cliff, Catherine has experienced firsthand the impacts of displacement, environmental injustice, and civic hostility—experiences that have fueled her lifelong commitment to building more just and equitable communities. As a Master’s in Public Affairs candidate at the University of Texas at Austin and a Texas A&M graduate in Environmental Geoscience, she works at the intersection of policy, sustainability, and community empowerment. Catherine is dedicated to developing bold, transformative, and sustainable solutions that not only address systemic inequities but also ensure that those most affected have a voice in shaping their future.



board members:

Kristen Alcaraz: Treasurer

Kristen Alcaraz received her Bachelor's of Science Degree in Psychology from the University of Texas at Arlington. She is a first generation college graduate and has over 10 years of experience in the field of accounting. She has worked in industries such as aviation, marketing, and interior design. She is passionate about helping RAYO achieve their mission in advocating for fair and affordable housing, especially having been born and raised in Oak Cliff herself. 

Stephanie Epps: Board Member

Stephanie is a Stanford grad with collaborative experience in the non-profit and tech industries with a passion serving youth, particularly in workforce development and college access for first generation, low income youth. Stephanie currently serves as the Vice President of Programs for /dev/color/. She has strong interests and experience in tech, marketing, operations, education, equity, public service, and social justice.


CARLO CHUNGA: Board member

Carlo is a first-generation graduate student from Piura, Peru. He holds a B.S. in Urban & Regional Planning & G.I.S. He serves as the Latinos & Planning Division Treasurer of APA, APA Representative for the Association of Student Planners, and Advisor to the TAMU Latinx Graduation Ceremony. Currently, he is pursuing a Masters in Urban Planning with a focus on disaster recovery. In the fall, Carlo will attend the University of California-Irvine's Ph.D. program in Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy.



Emily cortez: Board member

Emily was born and raised in Grand Prairie, a suburb of Dallas alongside her parents and two older brothers. After graduating high school at South Grand Prairie High School in 2011, Emily found her passions of urban planning and policy through the community of Oak Cliff. Her greatest passions were learned while working with local Oak Cliff businesses for just under a decade: admiration for small business owners and artists, the importance of preservation and deep love for her community. Emily is currently enrolled at Mountain View College to move forward to her dream of obtaining her urban planning degree. As for her current position, Emily is a residential and commercial property manager at Proxy Properties, LLC, an incremental redevelopment company that believes in preservation of buildings and its history which includes their biggest redevelopment project to date, The Oak Cliff Assembly. Emily presently is an active cyclist in her bike group called Black Cat Bicycle Club, on the board for Twelve Hills Nature Center and on the board for Rayo Planning.

Victoria Ferrell-ortiz: Co-Founder

Victoria’s interest in urban planning began in high school, while attending the Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Magnet Center. But it wasn’t identified plainly as “Urban Planning” at the time. She first became indoctrinated when she learned what gentrification was through a friend's experience around displacement in Old East Dallas. In 2016, she received her Bachelors of Arts in Integrative Studies from the University of North Texas in Denton, with concentrations in international studies, sociology, and public administration and community service. After graduating from college and returning home to Dallas she experienced it personally through the gentrification of her West Dallas neighborhood (Victoria has family in Ledbetter, a barrio of West Dallas) and Oak Cliff. She served on the Arts and Culture Advisory Commission for the City of Dallas as an at large member for one term. Victoria is a Barrio Historian of the Cemento Grande and Oak Cliff Barrios. Victoria was RAYO’s first Executive Director and before acted on the Board of Directors as the founding Treasurer.



Evelyn Mayo: Co-Founder

Evelyn’s last point of departure before leaving the U.S. as a child was Austin, Texas. She spent her childhood moving around Europe and Asia, which exposed her to different cultures, languages, foods and ways of life. After graduating High School in Singapore, she moved back to the U.S. and where she pursued an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science at Barnard College, Columbia University in New York City. In 2017, Evelyn moved to Dallas, Texas to pursue her interests in environmental justice and community organizing in the “belly of the beast”. She worked in poverty law as an advocate for fair housing and environmental justice issues from 2017 to 2021 with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas and Disability Rights Texas, while also acting as Chair of the Board of Downwinders at Risk. Evelyn is AICP certified and received her MCRP from the University of Texas at Arlington. She is the inaugural Urban Research Initiative Fellow at Paul Quinn College, where she leads research and advocacy efforts to use planning as a tool to address systemic racial injustices in Southern Dallas.




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